We have recently worked with Jesse Wells, Head Chef at Terroir Tapas, to come up with this unique spin on a classic granola.
This dish was part of a tasting menu so the portions were small, but it can easily be served in larger quantities. I personally love honey and sweet things with cheese. Cheese always has a salt content and the acid in chutneys can cut through and also lift this salt content, but so can sweetness. Especially the sweetness of white truffle honey... the perfume of the dish will just sing and your guests will smell it before they eat it!
1 x Jar of Truffle Hunter white truffle honey (available to purchase online). A little goes a very long way.
1 very ripe room temperature Shakespeare brie (try to leave this out at room temperature for at least 2 hours).
175g melted butter
175g honey (can substitute with sugar, golden syrup or maple syrup)
1 vanilla pod scraped (vanilla can be substituted for other alternatives).
300g large oats (try to use large oats as they provide a nicer texture than the fine ones).
100g various seeds (I use sunflower, pumpkin and linseed).
100g chopped nuts (I use almonds, walnuts and pecans but any nuts will work).
100g desiccated coconut (this is very important as it helps give a nice chew to the granola).
Preheat the oven to 150 degrees or Gas 4.
Warm your butter with your syrup of choice. In a bowl weigh all your dry ingredients, mix in the butter mix. Have a taste! Squeeze the mix in your hand - the mix should hold together, but also crumble. If it's a bit dry, you can add a touch more butter or syrup.
Line a flat baking tray with baking parchment and add the granola, trying to spread it out evenly. Keep checking regularly, and turn it over with a spoon, to ensure all of it is being cooked. Bake until an even golden brown all the way through.
Let the Granola cool and then store in an airtight container.
To serve, I like to spoon the very ripe Shakespeare into the bottom of a bowl (a bowl is very important for the eating in this dish!). Then I drizzle a small amount of the truffle honey over - remember less is more with this. Top with your granola and you're done!