You may have seen in the news over the weekend the story regarding the World Cheese Awards. While we wait for clarification from the organisers at The Guild of Fine Foods, Peter, the founder of The Book and Bucket Cheese Company wanted to share his thoughts.

We have entered the World Cheese Awards since 2021, so that our cheese can be judged against the leading cheese in the world. Having received a Gold, Silver and Bronze over the last 3 years, we use this as a barometer as to where we are. This year we felt we might be in with a slim chance of the allusive Super Gold having won 3 Stars in the Great Taste Awards, as well as 2 Golds at the Global Cheese Awards already this year.
So hearing that the entire shipment of UK cheese had been refused entry into Portugal was heartbreaking, especially after all paperwork had been submitted and approved some time ago.
We await news of more details and if a solution can be found, however the awards went ahead and a new cheese was crowned World Champion Cheese 2024, coming from the host nation.
As disappointing and frustrating as this is, we don’t make cheese to win these awards, we make cheese to the best of our abilities to provide you, the customer, with the best we can, and every ounce of passion and commitment goes into what we do.
So this Christmas, you can be assured that the cheese on your table is made with the finest local milk, by passionate Cheesemakers to the highest of standards.
As for the World Cheese Champion crown, well there is always next year, but for now we are happy knowing we have your incredible support.